Submission of Manuscript
1. Submission of Manuscript

The manuscript will be submitted in electronic format, by email, to chief editor of journal (Journal of Sustainable Energy (JSE)), at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it The manuscript will be edited in .doc file format(Microsoft Word), with font Times New Roman(TNR) size 10, in which the authors will insert also the figures and tables. The pages of manuscript should be ascending numbered, with arabic numbers starting with first page.

2. Cover Letter

Cover letter must be written by the main/first author and have to be submitted to chief editor.
It will contain the following elements:

  • Full address of correspondence author, telephone or fax number, email address;
  • The article is original and is the result of own work of all authors and has not been submitted/accepted for publication in other publication/conference;
  • Authors will indicate if there is a potential conflict of interests;
  • The letter can contain some authors mentions to chief editor of magazine;
  • Authors will indicate the type of article or paper submitted (Editorial/Research article/Case report/Review article/Letter/Short communication/Other);
  • Authors will declare founding sources/sponsors of research presented in article or used to prepare the article (if there is one);
  • The article must be approved/signed by all authors of it;
A model of cover letter can be downloaded from address: CoverLetter-Ro.doc or CoverLetter-En.doc


3. Please use as template the document listed below:

3.1 Please download the template for authors download here;
3.2 Please download and complete also the copyright transfer form;
3.3 Please download and complete:  CoverLetter-Ro.doc or CoverLetter-En.doc.

Address for papers to be submitted:
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it